interesting one but very leceh XD
1. A picture of you at the most unique environment.
-couldnt choose between these two so i put both XD

Describe the environment:
at school after an MPO trip..Pirates of the Caribbean inspired
at Sheri's sweet of the best times i ever had!
2. A picture of you somewhere you dislike.
-honestly i dont have a single pic somewhere i dislike. sorry!
3. A picture of you with someone that means alot to you.

Mummy Dearest

Sarah and Ian







Who is that person & what did that person do for you before?
Awesome-est bunch of people to hang out with!! Period. They just lighten up my life.
To my friends whose pics are not in here..i didnt have ur pic! XD
4. A picture of you with your best smile(mouth open)

5. A picture of you with your best smile(mouth closed)

Were you posing or natural smiling?
6. A picture of you with you lamest pose:
-not so much my pose..more to how lame i looked.

Give this picture a caption.
This is what i get for letting Andrew near my face with face paint.
7. A picture with you and the person who stands at the top of your heart:

Is that person treating you like how you are treating him/her?
She's obliged to. XD Nah, she treats me waayy better than i deserve.
8. A picture of you with some toys or cute stuff
-im not in this pic but its the best i could find.
What are you with?
Its a shot of my dressing table couvered with most of my TY toys.
9. A picture of you with a white T-shirt.

Why are you wearing white instead of black?
Cause i felt like wearing white? Geez that pic was ages ago!
10. A candid picture of you and your friends:

Do you look good?
Heck no! What the heck was i doing?
Tag 10 people...
I Tag:
alaah..6 ppl cukup laa..dunno who else to tag
gaahh!! seaparuh mati doing this tag!
good luck to all the ppl who are gonna do it!
im out!
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