Wednesday, 26 November 2008

hello people of the world!
sorry for the lack of updates. lost my mood to blog.
its not fully back yet so i dont think i'll be updating much
so, my Zutara craze has FINALLY worn off!! phew!!
no new craze at the moment which is probably why im not in the mood to update.
currently sick at the moment. =(
double boo.
gaaah i hate being sick! i wouldnt mind if it meant i get to skip school but since its the hols being sick just majorly sucks!
mayb it was a good thing my team got eliminated from the Entreprenuership Challenge after all. doubt id be able to focus on it while being sick.
im not dissapointed that we got eliminated at all.
i leave there with a lifetime of memories.
its was so much fun! definatly gonna miss everyone there.
it was so touching how everyone came to say bye to us when we were leaving.
they all said we were good and had so much potential.
i even hugged Redy, one of the facilitators.
he really gave us so much encouragement.
special thanks to Brandon who was our transport!
bet he's glad he doesnt have to listen to our mindless ramblings anymore XD
also, special thanks to Micheal who paid our admission fee
you rock Micheal!!
gaaahh, really miss them all! was really so touched that they like us so much!
Lily actually cried XD terlalu terharu edi.
Elly and I managed to tahan. XD

i leave knowing we did our best an im so proud of my team for making it as far as the third leg! hey, we got eliminated just before the finals okay so we made it pretty far.
nothing can beat how i felt when we were announced as one of the teams in the Top 3 during the 2nd leg! especially since we were in the bottom 4 the day before. =D
apparently they'll be sending a video of one of our presentations to my mom! XD
cant wait to see it.
i'll probably cringe though seeing how jakun we were. teehee.

okay ending this post here. getting a headache. ouch.
im out.



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