Friday, 26 February 2010

random pics!

just hanging with my friends at the padang

from an outing to watch Jennifer's Body with Shana and Timmy. ended up not being able to get it cause of the rating XD what a waste of free tickets =P

an adorable little D Gray Man chibi =D

one of my favorite tricks to do with a calculator =P

my choir coach Miss Suk Yin and I after the Patriotic Idol competition at Subang Parade! 2nd place baby!! =D

my La Corda inspired shot. if only i wasn't wearing my panglima t-shirt XD

origami made by Sensei Hoshino and I, only the blue one is mine

Caryn with the halloween candy Timmy gave me. love this shot! XD

interesting quote in one of the bathrooms in Pyramid =P

a little doodle i did whilst bored in accounts tuition

looks like a UFO doesnt it? guess what it really is.

big bubble blown with chewing gum not bubble gum

haha, i was just that bored until i decided to upload random pics from my phone. oh well at least they're amusing XD
and yeah, thats all im updating about =P
im out!


Friday, 5 February 2010

am i the only one getting hungry in the middle of the night??

more tags!! weeee~!
this time following in the footsteps of the ohana and doing the Kpoop one =P

Favourite boy group?
Super Junior! =D

Favourite girl group?
i rarely listen to girl Kpop groups so dont really have one

Favourite idol group overall?
Super Junior!! =D

Other groups you love?
DBSK, Big Bang, SHINee, 2PM, SNSD, 2NE1, SS501

Rank your favourites from each of your stated groups above?
Super Junior: Donghae
DBSK: Jaejoong
Big Bang: Taeyang
the rest either dunno name or no fav XD

Favourite pairings from each of your stated groups?
None. I just love the relationship between all the members in each group. I love how close they all are! =)

Favourite idol group pairings?
SNSD and Super Junior

Favourite solo female singer?
BoA!! she's so amazing!! =D

Favourite solo male singer?

Favourite idol overall?
my Donghae love!!

Favourite song right now?
Let Me Hear Your Voice - Big Bang

Favourite fanclub?
SuJu's fanclub, ELF!!! :D

Favourite entertainment company?
YG Entertainment. Although my fav group is under SME i prefer YG cause they let the groups have more freedom.

Loved a group you’re not into anymore?
hmmm..dont think so

First kpop song ever?
Dont Don by Super Junior =D

First kpop music video ever?
Also, Dont Don by Super Junior XD

First kpop love (group/solo)?
Lee Donghae <3

First variety show (and with who)?
Super Junior Full House!! Totally loved it!! Was so hilarious and it really showed me another side of SuJu =D

Group you could never get into no matter how much you tried.
So far, ive liked every group ive been exposed to so none i guess

Any dance you can do (from a MV etc) or want to learn?
Can do a TINY little bit of Sorry Sorry but i'd love to learn the whole thing and the dance's from their other MV's as well

Any songs you memorized the lyrics to?
memorized bits and pieces from diff songs.

Hottest male in the industry to you?

Prettiest female in the industry to you?
BoA. She's sexaaayyy =P

A person you want to be like/admire the most?
Heechul! XD he's so happy all the time and i love his randomness and how he can make jokes out of just about anything. he's also really smart and perceptive. not to mention, talented!

A song you must/always/usually listen to EVERY day?
Any of SuJu's songs =P

Your favorite music video?
I dont have A favorite music video. I have MANY favorite music videos XD

Any of your friends into Kpop and who?
Sheri, Iylia, Jiaway, Guang Yi, Natalie, Iman and many more im sure i just cant think of any at the moment XD

Have any KPop merchandise?
Sadly, no. I will have a SuJu t-shirt soon though =)

Which group can you see yourself being dedicated to for the rest of your time into Kpop?
Super Junior for sure!!! =D

haha, i am a major SuJu fan arent i? XP
so had dance class today. had fun =D
Iylia and Yen Yi couldnt make it today so i was pretty much on my own.
not too close to the other girls yet.
learned how to do the hair flick and part of the choreography for Bad Romance =D
im happy to say i can do the Bad Romance steps!! so far la.
but its a major improvement for me since i could barely do the Beep steps.
Lils, come over when youre free and i'll teach you the steps k?
need to seriously practice the chest roll. i totally suck at that XD

my jap class for tmrw is cancelled cuz me sensei is sick apparently.
Hoshino Sensei, get well soon!!
my next class is only on the 27th cuz of CNY break
god, by then i think all my japanese knowledge fly out of my head edi XP
mum has to work tmrw so there goes my hopes of going out for lunch.
hmmm, maybe i'll walk to taipan.
anyone wanna join me?
been craving Pizza Uno's chicken lasagna even though i JUST ate it a few days ago.
oh well, who can blame me?
its majorly gooooooooddddd =D

oh great, now i just made myself hungry
recently ive been getting hungry in the middle of the night
hence, the title of this post.
and somehow i just keep eating and eating.
thank goodness i have dance class to help me lose weight.
and i should start going to the gym too.
hey, my apartment has one so might as well make use of it right?

kay, im off to finish watching Full House[on the last ep, yay!] and might possibly make myself some cheese bread, yum =P
im out!


Thursday, 4 February 2010

station one = canteen food XD

yes, station one reminds me of my school canteen food! XD
went there with Shana for early dinner
kept finding dishes that reminded me of food i used to eat in school
their mashed potatoes tasted EXACTLY like my school's one XP
mental note to self: dont eat at station one
i didnt really enjoy the food
or maybe i just ordered the wrong things, wtv la
stole this tag from Lily's blog.

ABC About You Questions:

yep! anyone interested? XP

22nd of December!

No one at the moment. Unless actors count XD

Hot Chocolate =D

My ohanas!! =D we can go on and on and on!!

I dont actually have one. I like loads of diff songs! But im hooked on What If by Kate Winslet at the moment.

Gummy worms!! they're longer and they dont have body parts so i dont feel evil when i eat them XD

Penang!! oh the food! =D

at the moment, Bradley James and Ed Westwick <3

watching many diff things and chatting and reading at the same time XP

No one YET XP

Cant rmb XD

Chocolate!! yummyyyy!!!

0. only child here =)

to find the right guy for me. and soon.

Andrew Scott =)

having people who love and care about me =D

Are You A Good Girl - DBSK

4 something in the afternoon =P hey i slept at 6AM okay? XP

Blue =D

Mushrooms!!! =D

Two. First one was to check if my wrist was broken after a futsal accident and second was my teeth before getting braces.

Fun!! I suck at it though XD

Capricorn!! same as Orlando Bloom and David Archuleta!! yeah baby!!! =D

About You:

Spell your name without vowels:
GWR =.=

Least favorite color?:

What are you listening to? :
Dont Go Breaking My Heart - Anne Hathaway and Jesse Mc Cartney

Are you happy with your life right now? :
it has its up's and down's but im generally =)

What is your favorite class in school? :
English for sure!! its my fav subject plus i get to argue with Pn Puteri about whether Robert Pattinson or Taylor Launter is hotter =P

When do you start back at school/college? :
will be going to Taylors in March =)

Are you outgoing? :
heck yes!! ;D

Favorite pair of shoes? :
my platform slippers. they're pretty and comfy =)


Can you dance?:
I guess so? XD well im going for dance classes now so should improve =)

Can you tie a cherry stem with your mouth? :
Haha! I wish la XP

Can you whistle?:
Another i wish la XD

Can you walk with your toes curled?:
Apparently i can O__O


Do you believe there is life on other planets?:
Undecided XD

Do you believe in miracles?:
For sure =)

Do you believe in magic?:
YES!!! =D anyone who is close to me should know how much i love magic =P

Do you believe in Satan?:
I believe he exisits. Nothing more.

Do you believe in Santa?:
As childish as it sounds, i do actually XD

Do you know how to swim?:
In my own way =P

Do you like roller coasters?:
Depends XD

Do you think you could handle the stuff they eat on those reality shows? :
NO WAY!! I could handle the stunts but not the eating stuff -shudder-


Have you ever been on a plane?:
Many times =D

Have you ever asked someone out?:
Yes but it was major embarassing -blushes at the memory-

Have you ever been asked out by someone?:
Sadly, no. Pathetic arent i? =(

Have you ever been to the ocean?:

Have you ever painted your nails?:
Yep! i love doing not just my nails but others as well. just ask my classmates XD


What is the temperature outside?:
No idea. Maybe around 20 something degrees?

What radio station do you listen to?:
Usually Hitz fm or Mix fm. Occasionally listen to Fly fm or Traxx fm

What was the last restaurant you ate at? :
Station One

What was the last thing you bought?:
Food at station one XD

What was the last thing on TV you watched?:
F.R.I.E.N.D.S! love that show la!! =)


Who was the last person you took a picture of?:
Shana =)

Who was the last person you said I love you to?:
Lily darling =D

okay! next tag! also from Lily!
haha im in a mood to do tags XP

The year 2009 tag.

1. What did you do in 2009 that you’d never done before?
Planned and attended a prom =)

2. Did you keep your resolutions (2009), and will you make more for this year?
I gave up making resolutions a long time ago XD

3. Did anyone close to you give birth?
Not as far as i know

4. Did anyone close to you die?

5. What countries did you visit?
Thailand =)

6. What would you like to have in 2010 that you lacked in 2009?
Motivation to study XD

7. What dates from 2009 will remain etched upon your memory, and why?
11 April - David Archuleta's concert
18 November - the day SPM started
7 December - the day SPM ended
30 December - mini- prom
there's more events but i cant remember the dates

8. What was your biggest achievement of last year?
Actually understanding and was somehow good at accounts XD

9. What was your biggest failure?
Sejarah and Moral =.=

10. Did you suffer illness or injury?
hmmm.. just the usual flu and sore throat i think

11. What was the best thing you bought?
my Orlando Bloom bag ;D

12. Whose behavior made you appalled and depressed?
Zi Xian -.-

13. Where did most of your money go?
Lots of things XD mostly food though i think

14. What did you get really, really, really excited about?
The mini-prom =)

15. What song will always remind you of 2009?
Sorry Sorry by Super Junior

16. Compared to this time last year, are you: a) happier or sadder? b) thinner or fatter? c) richer or poorer?
Happier, and Poorer. im neither fatter nor thinner. still the same XD

17. What do you wish you’d done more of?
Study for SPM

18. What do you wish you’d done less of?
Procrastinating XD

19. How did you spend Christmas?
At my Grandmother's place

20. Did you fall in love in 2009?
mhhmm..i wouldnt call it love. more like crush.

21. What was your favorite TV program?
didnt have one

22. Do you hate anyone now that you didn’t hate this time last year?
nope =)

23. What was the best book you read?
read too many awesome books so i cant pick XD

24. What was your greatest musical discovery?
Korean music!! =D

25. What did you want and get?
New laptop. and im loving it! =D

26. What did you want and not get?
alot of korean and japanese dramas. lack of money XD never mind, can watch online =P

27. What was your favorite film last year?
Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince =D my friends should know why XP

28. What did you do on your birthday and how old were you?
Sadly, was sick on my 17th bday so just had a few friends over and just hung out

29. What one thing would have made last year immeasurably more satisfying?
Putting more effort into SPM

30. How would you describe your personal fashion concept in 2009?
Casual and comfy

31. What kept you sane?
When was i ever sane? XD try being in my class and see if you can stay sane XD

33. Which celebrity/public figure did you fancy the most?
Cant rmb XD

34. What political issue stirred you the most?
New SPM grading system. they just HAD to announce it 2 months before SPM la!!

35. Who did you miss?
my overseas cousins

36. Who was the best new person you met?
Adalaahhh XP no names mentioned =P

37. Tell us a valuable life lesson you learned in 2009.
Make sure to try your best in everything you do even if its something you dont like

wow, just realized that alot of my answers are very similar or identical to Lily's XD well, we are ohana after all =P
recently ive been totally hooked on Merlin
im soooo happy that i now have Astro so i can watch season 2
major thanks to Shana who got me the Season 1 DVD set for my bday!! =D
god, Bradley James A.K.A Arthur is just sooooo gorgeous!! <3<3<3
and hilarious too!!
i love the interaction between Arthur and Merlin, bromance rules! XP
been watching loads of behind the scenes and interview of them and they seem to be really close which i love. isnt it just wonderful when the cast bonds like that?

this particular video ive been playing over and over again
it just cracks me up every time i watch it and it totally made my day ytd =D
it also cheered me up ytd after i woke up feeling extremely emo
watch people!!

watch this too!! its the Llama song!!
Lily, Sheri, Iman and Shana, you know what im talking abt XD
its really hilarious and random!
Lils and i got totally hooked on it and practiced it over and over till we can now do it perfectly =D

im almost done watching Full House so yay!
really enjoyed watching it =D
next up, i'll be re-watching Smiling Pasta, one of the most adorable and funny dramas ive ever watched.
i managed to get Lils into it and now she's totally hooked XD

kay, im off to continue watching Full House now! im out!
