today i suddenly got to thinking..
what is form 5 really about?
is it really about just SPM?
is that all there is to a form 5's life
just slaving away studying for the sake of SPM?
dropping everything: fun, friends, hobbies all for the sake of A's?
is this truly what form 5 is?
my answer: NO!
this is totally no what form 5 means to me!
maybe a small part of it is about SPM
yes you heard me, a SMALL part
thats all SPM is people!
a SMALL part of this giant concept of form 5
to me, being form 5 is about going all out. do everything you wanna do. enjoy your last year of secondary school to the max! lets face it people, everything changes after this. do you really wanna look back on your form 5 year and remember it studying? i know i dont. which is why this year, i going all out. everything i was afraid to do during my years of schooling, im doing it this year. i want to look back on my form 5 year knowing i did everything i wanted to, and going out with a BANG! as much as i grumble about how much i hate school, i know i'll miss it when its over. i'll miss the classes, the teachers, the friends i made, the times i had.
i'll miss ponteng-ing class just cause i felt like it.
i'll miss my thursday library duties.
i'll miss trying my best to not fall asleep in class.
i'll miss laughing my ass off at my classmates antics.
i'll miss eating in the canteen.
heck, i'll even miss perhimpunan!!
so, no regrets for me! im doing everything i wanna do and everything im afraid to do. i refuse to look back on my senior year and remember cramming for SPM and cursing the people who made it. i want to remember it living life and enjoying my last year in school.
i will cherish all my memories of this final year!
i cherish the South East Asia competition
i cherish my first time representing the school for a debate tournament
i cherish working on the ed-board
i cherish every single one of my duty days
i cherish singing during Teacher's Day - something ive been afraid to do!
i cherish all the times ive had with my classmates - thank you for never failing to make me laugh everyday! this goes out to every single one of you 5 Cempakians!! love you guys!! you've really made my senior year an enjoyable one!!
and i'll definatly cherish every single moment spent with every one of my friends!!
- this is it you guys! our final year together! after this we all go our seperate ways! yes, we'll still keep in touch what with all the technology and all and we'll obviously meet up every once in a while but it just wont be the same as seeing you guys everyday!! thank you from the bottom of my heart for sticking with me all this while, for sharing laughs and tears with me, and for truly lighting up my life with your presence!! I LOVE ALL OF YOU SO MUCH!! thank you for everything!! my non-fourian friends, this goes out to you as well!! =D -
so come on guys! lets rock our senior year and go out with a great big BANG!!
PS: if you're wondering why ive suddenly gone philosophical, i was inspired by Tze Quan, the girl who only blogs if she truly has something interesting to say and who's blog can keep me reading all day!! you amaze me girl!!